Policy - Climate-smart resilient agriculture


Climate-smart resilient agriculture (CSRA) offers a viable solution for farmers to increase productivity, adapt their crops and livestock to grow in changing climates, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from farming. There are several types of CSRA practices and technologies. However, their adoption by smallholders is low, particularly in developing countries. In partnership with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), under their AgMission initiative, we investigate initiatives that enhance climate-smart agriculture across the developing world, with deep-dive case studies on CSRA trends in Bangladesh, India, and Kenya.

National policies and regulations can increase the use of key CSRA practices, for example through smart input subsidies and public incentives for modern technology uptake. Unfortunately, there is currently poor coordination between CSRA policies and public institutions. Another problem is a lack of knowledge about what incentives can help change farmer behavior.  

Together with FFAR and local research institutions, we investigate key climate-smart agriculture trends and country-specific case studies on incentives and their effectiveness in Bangladesh, India, and Kenya.

We look at the following key issues:

  1. Analysis of key trends around CSRA incentive mechanisms, incl. climate/carbon financing, value chain incentives, and water management;
  2. Analysis of the CSRA policy ecosystem in Bangladesh, India, and Kenya; and       
  3. Applied research of CSRA incentives mechanisms and risk-sharing.

The study raises understanding and awareness of the significance of CSRA, its impact on smallholder farmers, and options to deal with climate change. The findings from the analysis help governments shape CSRA policy solutions and improve the implementation of CSRA initiatives.